Benefits of Self-Pay
For me therapy is between a person and the provider, not the person, provider and their insurance company. Going through insurance means I have to submit claims which include diagnoses, treatment plans, and session notes. Seeing a provider who is considered "out-of-network" allows you the privacy of not having your mental health information anywhere but my personally maintained and HIPPA-compliant electronic health record. It means no one but you and I would know about the work we are doing together and the presenting issue. It also means our journey does not have to be fueled by a diagnostic label and we can focus more on the concerns you have rather than the diagnostic criteria you meet.
Going through insurance means picking a provider from a specific, and often, limited list of names. Self-pay allows you the freedom to research and find the provider who best meets your goals for therapy. It also means you do not have to go through any large system or corporation to get these needs met. You are leading the way in obtaining the care you deserve!
Seeing a provider who is considered "out-of-network" through your insurance may actually save you money. Some insurance companies will offer to reimburse members for using out-of-network providers. Click the link below to input your insurance information to find out what your ending cost would be using an out-of-network provider to see if this would be the most cost-effective option for you. ​
Best Care
Self-pay means I, as your provider, have the freedom of being specific and, frankly, picky about the type and number of clients I work with at any given time. This means my full-attention is on a limited amount of clients giving more time to research effective interventions and provide you with the highest level of care! ​