Random thoughts and alternative perceptions to consider
I'm not here to give you skills and new ideas without also practicing what I promote. I believe we are always on a journey of discovering ourselves. The moment you think you're through is the moment you should be concerned.
This website is full of sunrise and sunset pictures I have taken over the years as I have always been drawn to the idea of endings and new beginnings. Like the sun itself, I believe we can find our glowing, radiant inner selves and can allow our beams of light to shoot out in multiple directions. Sometimes we guide and create those beams, but sometimes we can discover new paths if we're just open to their possibility. This page will contain thoughts I have about the journey and will offer ideas, art, music and an array of things my beams have shown me. I ask you to find anything that may fit for you here and incorporate it into your inner glowing and radiant self.
Sunshine Playlist
Feeling Good- Michael Buble
Shiny Happy People- REM
Here Comes the Sun- The Beatles
Walking on Sunshine- Katrina & The Waves
Alegria- Cirque du Soleil
I Can See Clearly Now- Jimmy Cliff
Can't Stop the Feeling- Justin Timberlake
Blister in the Sun- Violent Femmes
5 Years Time- Noah & the Whale
Good Day Sunshine- The Beatles
Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In- The 5th Dimension
Sunday Best- Surfaces

Beyond Therapeutic Rapport
There's nothing wrong with me
I know
Everybody struggles sometimes
I hear
I don't need mental health treatment
I offer support
I'm not crazy
I agree
People will label me
I will challenge those labels with truth
I don't belong with those people
I encourage redefining perception
How can you ever understand?
I may not but I would like to try
I don't need you telling me what to do
I wish to walk beside you and offer stability if you fall
I'm so tired of all of it
I'm sorry
Do you think I will ever be "normal"?
There's nothing wrong with you
I know
My Releases
Where worry squats
May acceptance reside
Where doubt & insecurity invade
May confidence envelope
Where too much responsibility binds
May unleashing break free
Where confusion clouds
May understanding take flight
Where plans confine
May adventure seep through
Where what ifs & shoulds imprison
May rolling with the tide bring to me...
Sweet Release